Year Title media link form collaborators location place date #
2021 BlacKrOOM
stage 中村恩恵 Megumi Nakamura Yokohama 2021 July 07 99
2021 Puzzled Documents
8 videos 中村恩恵 Megumi Nakamura Dance Base Yokohama 2021 March 21 - 28 98
2020 Man And The Echo
stage 中村恩恵 Megumi Nakamura New National Theater Tokyo canceled 97
stage Roberto Scafati / 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama Stadttheater Trier/ Germany Stadttheater Trier 2020 March 14/ Premiere 2022 Feb 05 96
- stage Sebastien Ly compagnie kerman National Theater Saint-Nazaire/ France 2020 Feb 03 /Canceled 95
Beethoven - Immortal - Love
stage Raimondo Rebeck / Yoko Seyama Astana Opera State Ballet Nur Sultan Nur Sultan/ Kazakhstan 2020 February 14 93
stage Ivan Perez/ 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama Theater Heidelberg/Germany Heidelberg/Germany 2020 January 24 92
stage MASSIMO GERARDI Hygiene Museum Dresden Germany 2019 Nov 23 94
installation/dance Frankie Ho / 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama / Bruce Wong Chun Hook Dance Theatre / ArtisTree TAIKOO PLACE Hong Hong Kong 2019 Aug 8 91
Mount Pleasant
- stage Ihsan Rustem Arts Umbrella Vancover Vancover, Canada 2019 March 15 90
The Last Life Boat
Maguerite Donlon
Ballet X Philadelphia 2018 Nov 28 89
Moving Colors
stage 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama, Armen Hakobyan, Denis Untila Aalto Ballett Essen Essen Germany 2018 April 28 88
Kate's Solo
- stage
Maguerite Donlon
Craw Alternative Irish Arts Festival Berlin, Germany 2018 June 22 87
Three One for bronze sticks
- installation Solo Project - 48 hours Neukoelln, Berlin, Germany 2018 86B
Robinson Out Of Context |

7 to 8

12" Vinyl Solo Project Quanta Records Paris Berlin/Paris 2018 Nov 30 86
Pepper's Ghost
stage Fernando Melo, 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama Norrdans Sweden Härnösand 2017 March 11 85
Delays Of Falling
installation 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama - Düsseldorf, Germany 2016 84C
Saiyah Video
DVD 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama Berlin, Germany 2016 84B
2016 Peter Handke // Die japanische Hitparade vom 25. Mai 1968 / Taktatome Tempospur 7" Vinyl/Book Veronika Schaepers Berlin & Karlsruhe, Germany 2016 84A
Melody Dots 21 (2015/2016)
installation 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama - Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2015 December 10 83B
Silent Song
stage 中村恩恵 Megumi Nakamura - Tokyo, Japan 2015 November 6 83
stage 王媛媛 Wang Yuanyuan Beijing Dance Theater Beijing 2014 April 23 81
Sahara Salaam
Film Music Wolfgang Gaudlitz Solofilm München 2013 80
16+ a Room
stage Emily Molnar Ballet BC Canada Vancouver, Canada 2013 Oct 17 79
Une Petite Maison
stage 中村恩恵 Megumi Nakamura New National Theater Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan 2013 October 4 78
Lieber Advio
stage Jitti Chompee 18 Monkeys Dance Theater Bangkok, Thailand 2013 November 16 76
stage Jitti Chompee 18 Monkeys Dance Theater Bangkok, Thailand 2012 75
Shakespeare The Sonnets
stage 中村恩恵 Megumi Nakamura New National Theater Tokyo Tokyo, Japan 2011.09.30 74
Everything Might Spill
stage Lesley Telford Compañía Nacional de Danza 2 2011.03.17 73
Film Ruben Van Leer & Lukas Timulak Westframe Amsterdam Cinedans film festival 2010, Amsterdam 2010.12.09 72
AMAKO / rain drums
installation 瀬山葉子 Yoko Seyama Korzo 5Hoog The Hague, The Netherlands 2010 October 7 71.5
7 to 8 And
stage Shen Wei 沈伟 Ballet de Monte Carlo, Monaco Opera Garnier de Monte Carlo, Monaco 2010 July 08 71
2010 We should Be Dead Composition for Stage / Dans Sjoerd Vreugdenhil Korzo Production, The Hague Korzo Theater 5HOOG, The Hague 2010 May 20 70
wowwowwonders in me
stage Anouk Van Dijk anoukvandijk Dance location Frascati in de Brakke Grond, Amsterdam 2010 March 04 69
Temporary Condition
stage Václav Kuneš Ballet d'Opéra National de Bordeaux Opéra National de Bordeaux 2010 March 08 68
Toki No Niwa (A chronicle of the time yard)
stage 中村恩恵 Megumi Nakamura Yokohama Art gallery Yokohama Art gallery, Japan 2010 January 07 67
2009 Spectatorship stage Bruno Listopad - - 2009 November 15 66
2009 Unspectacular Bodies stage Bruno Listopad NAi Nederlands Architectuurinstituut, Rotterdam 2009 November 9 65
2009 Mémoires d'Oubliettes stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT1 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2009 November 29 64
A Small Hour Ago
stage Václav Kuneš Korzo Production, The Hague Korzo Theater 5HOOG, The Hague 2009 June 01 63
2009 Zugvögel Unterwelt stage Karine Guizzo Bayerisches Staatsballett München Nationaltheater München, Germany 2009 May 3 62B
2009 Zugvögel stage Jiří Kylián Bayerisches Staatsballett München Nationaltheater München, Germany 2009 May 3 62A
Un Dia Tabata
stage Karine Guizzo Theater De Regentesse The Hague Theater De Regentesse The Hague 2009 January 22 61
2008 Gods and Dogs stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT2 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2008 November 13 60
stage - - - - 59
2008 Thoughts unsaid, then forgotten stage Bruno Listopad - - 2008 November 13 58
2008 Out Of The Box stage 邢亮 Xing Liang Hong Kong City Contemporary Dance location CCDC - 2008.06.27 57
2008 Vanishing Twin stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT1 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2008 February 7 56
2008 Mammatus stage Medhi Walerski Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2008 Feb 28 55
stage - - - - 54
2008 Against Architecture stage Bruno Listopad - - 2008 March 8 53
2008 Last Touch First stage Jiří Kylián & Michael Schumacher Holland Dance Festival Korzotheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2008 Feb 12 52
2007 Erva Daninha stage Bruno Listopad 2007 October 11 51
2007 Waltz stage 中村恩恵 Megumi Nakamura NOISM Niigata Niigata, Japan 2007 October 5 50
# # stage - - - - 49
2006 Fairy Tales Reconfiguered stage Bruno Listopad 48
2006 Tar And Feathers stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT1 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2006 March 09 47
2006 Anatomic Obliteration stage Bruno Listopad 46
2005 Where does the Body End stage Bruno Listopad 45
2005 Ironing Madonna Composition for Stage / Dans Sjoerd Vreugdenhil Korzo Producties Korzo Theater, The Hague 2005 September 29 44
2005 Homo Luden Nomadic Machines stage Bruno Listopad 43
2005 Toss of a Dice stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT1 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands - 42
2005 Dismantling Sivak Composition for Stage / Dans Sjoerd Vreugdenhil Dance For Life Gala, Bruxelles Dance For Life Gala, Bruxelles 2005 January 23 41
2004 no title/ canceled RDW project stage Bruno Listopad 2004 December 40
2004 Sleepless stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT2 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2004 November 11 39
2004 Cauda Pavonis stage Bruno Listopad Cadance Festival, Theater aan Het Spui, The Hague, The Netherlands 2004 November 9 38
2004 Heerlijk Heerlen Composition for Stage / Dans Sjoerd Vreugdenhil Danshuis Limburg, Heerlen, The Netherlands Schouwburg Heerlen, The Netherlands 2004 September 07 37
2004 Il faut qu'une porte stage Jiří Kylián Ballet de l’Opéra National de Paris Opéra Garnier, Paris, France 2004 February 17 36
2003 Last Touch stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT1 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2003 November 20 34
2003 Ferocious Felecity Composition for Stage / Dans Sjoerd Vreugdenhil Korzo Producties Korzo Theater, The Hague 2003 October 02 33
2003 First Form stage Bruno Listopad 2003 October 31 32
2003 Robinson out of Context stage Bruno Listopad 2003 October 8 31
2003 Far Too Close stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT3 Saitama Arts Theater, Saitama, Japan 2003 Sep 5 30
2003 Senhora do Ó stage Bruno Listopad 2003 Jan 17 27
2002 Corpo Pensante stage Bruno Listopad 2002 November 11 26
2002 When Time Takes Time stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT3 Saitama Arts Theater, Saitama, Japan 2002 Sept 22 25
2002 Claude Pascal stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT1 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2002 May 29 24
2002 27'52" stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT2 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2002 Feb 21 23
2001 Blackbird stage Jiří Kylián Saitama Arts Center Saitama Arts Theater, Saitama, Japan 2001 October 6 22
2001 True North stage Bruno Listopad Companhia Instável and Porto Cultural Capital of Europe 2001 Rivoli Teatro Municipal, Porto, Portugal 2001 September 15 21
2001 Objectworx stage Krisztina de Châtel Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel Schouwbourg Rotterdam 2001 April 18 18
2001 Exit stage Bruno Listopad 17
2001 Solo Brenda stage Bruno Listopad Korzo Producties and Stg. Disjointed Arts Het Veem Theater, Amsterdam 2001.03.22 16
2000 Dynamics stage Krisztina de Châtel Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel 2000 December 08 15
2000 CLICK – PAUSE – SILENCE stage Jiří Kylián Nederlands Dans Theater /NDT1 Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, The Netherlands 2000 November 30 14
2000 In Transit stage Bruno Listopad Korzo Producties and Stg. Disjointed Arts Cadance Festival, Korzo Theatre, The Hague, The Netherlands 2000 November 16 13
2000 8 Channel dance workshop stage Bruno Listopad Rotterdam 2000 11
2000 Sharp Edged Knife and Removed Context stage Bruno Listopad De Rotterdamse Dansgroep, Rotterdam Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2000 April 5 9
2000 Solo VII / for Suzan Tunca stage Krisztina de Châtel Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel 2000 Januray 17 8
2000 Paradox in the House of Guilt stage Bruno Listopad Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel Theater aan het Spui, The Hague, The Netherlands 2000 January 12 7
1999 Lara & Friends stage Krisztina de Châtel Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel 1999 September 08 6
1999 Solo VI / for Wen Jheng stage Krisztina de Châtel Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel 1999 February 12 4
1998 LARA stage Krisztina de Châtel Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel 1998 October 25 3